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Ye Olde Worm Princess is a pet simulator game where you play as the new Royal Retainer for Princess Lumbricina of Opisthopora!
You are bestowed this honour due to the unforeseen betrayal and subsequent executions of previous retainers in questioning Her Royal Highness’ beautiful, wriggly form. You are to care for Princess Lumbricina’s Food, Hydration, Comfort and Entertainment.
This game features goofy, adorable visuals and a straightforward rush-hour like gameplay experience!
Project Manager
Game Programmer
Jan 2024
Project Duration
Team Size
Scripted and compiled the game
Tested and adjusted gameplay mechanics
Project Management
Conceptualized theme
Founded team
Organized teamspace via Discord server and prepared necessary project folders
(Credits can be found here)

Game Engine


This game is developed for the game jam entitled 'Global Game Jam 2024'.
Background Credit: Shovel Knight
Icons by @reffpixels
As part of the game jam's challenge, the team was to make a game out of a randomly selected theme. The theme we have obtained was titled 'Ye Olde Worm Princess'. The team quickly conceptualized a "pet care simulator" game, inspired by the likes of Tamogachi, Sims 3 and Insaniquarium. The goal of the game is to take care of our precious worm princess - Princess Lumbricine for 3 days until her coronation day.
After referencing different mechanics from the game inspiration stated above, we quickly jot down some game mechanics ideas, created a few sketches and laid down our moodboard to pitch for our ideas. After setting up an asset folder, an asset tracker document and a few game design documents, I started to program the game in Unity as the artists began to draw their assets.

Fig 1. Gameplay Sketches

Fig 2. Artstyle Moodboard

Fig 3. Asset Tracker List

Fig 4. Game Design Document
During the production phase, we assigned our names to each task presented on the Asset Tracker List. We communicate through Discord channels to update on our progress and provide feedback with each other.
The team consisted of 6 members, each of their roles are:
- Peng Chung - Co-Project Manager, Game Programmer
- Farid Nad - Co-Project Manager, Art Director, Narrative Designer
- Eden - Asst. Project Manager, Game Designer
- RamReboot - Background, Sprite & Splash Screen Artist
- Jiha - Character Artist
- Nazmi - Quality Assurance
Game assets were created individually by team members and uploaded through the Google Drive setup. Thereafter, the programmer would take those assets and implement them in-game. Some game features ceased development due to constraints of time and manpower. Ultimately, we implemented the game features listed below in the final product:
Resource Management System
Players have to maintain four of Worm Princess's Needs Meter - Food, Hydration, Comfort and Entertainment. These needs will gradually deplete over time.
Using interactable objects / options may recover specific Needs, but would further deplete other Needs.
If players choose to talk to Worm Princess, she may tell the player which of its Needs are depleting.
Day System
There are a total of 3 in-game days the players need to survive through. Each level introduces a new obstacle that the player has to micro-manage whilst maintaining Worm Princess's Needs.
Room and Enemy System
On Day 2, isopods are introduced to disrupt the player from feeding Worm Princess. They must rid of these isopods to continue feeding her.
On Day 3, crows may appear to kidnap Worm Princess. Players must close the curtain to avoid instant death.

Fig 5. Menu Screen

Fig 7. Gameplay Scene (Royal Room)

Fig 9. A crow is preying nearby

Fig 6. Gameplay Scene (Main View)

Fig 8. Lettuce Room swarmed by isopods

Fig 10. Game Over Screen (death by dehydration)
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